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Jyotish Post Visharada, , Jyotish Visharada, Jyotish Praveena PGCQMHC, MLISc, BLISc, B.Com, Lib.(Auto. IT), e-Lib, Phone No. +91 - 9868886621 (M)
Friday, September 25, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Horary Astrology
Jyotish-guru Shri late B.V. Raman Ji said in his book prasan marg quote:-
One undergoes the consequences of one’s previous karma from birth to death which can be known from his radical horoscope. Then what is the use of prasan? Prasana reveals to us whether a man reaps the fruits of his deeds in his previous birth or the fruits of his action in this birth.
Sir, how can we distinguish whether it is the result of our previous karma or presnt karma that is yiedling it’s result now?
When the horoscope has beneficial planetary patterns & the prasna chart malefic one, then it is to be understood that the native is experiencing the fruits of evil karma done in this birth.
When it is vice versa, then also the native is experiencing the effects of good karma done in this birth.
If the planetary patterns in the horoscope as well as in the prasna chart are similar, then a clever astrologer should divine that the native is experiencing the fruits of his past karma only.
Early Recovery of Patient
Moon in kendra aspected by benefices forms ithasala with lagnesh.
Lagnesh & moon in kendra, aspected by benefices only and the 7th lord retrograde is devoid of sun & 8th lord.
Moon in moveable or dual sign in lagna and lagnesh aspected
By benefices or moon in own sign posited in 4th or 10th house or benefic planets aspect moon & lagnesh in ithasala benefices.
Moon in own sign forms ithsala with benefic.
Moon or sun posited in 1, 4, or 7th house and aspected by benefices.
Lagnesh stronger than 8th lord.
If lagna, 5th, 7th and 8th house have benefices, moon posited in 3, 6, 10 or 11 aspected by benefics. But if malefics are in these places, death will ensure.
If lagnesh and 10th lords are friends, treatment will be appropriate to disease and patient will recover otherwise disease will grow.
A single planet which should be powerful and strong occupying the lagna protects the sick man.
Benefices in 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 11th – illness will be cured.
Malefic in 3, 6, 9 and 12th – disease is hereditary.
Exchange of 6th and 8th lords gives faster recovery.
Delayed Recovery of Patient
Disease will prolong if malefics are 8th, 9th and 12th house or moon or venus is in lagna or lagnesh is posited with mars in own sign.
If mars are in lagna or 12th house- recovery after much suffering.
Lagnesh in lagna or strongly posited in 12th house or 8th lord in kendra and lagnesh is in 6, 8 and 12 house and moon is weak.
Moon muthasila with a retrograde planet gives chronic disease.
Lagnesh in 6th house and 6th lord in lagna.
Relapse of Disease
A retrograde planet in sign of moon –illness relapse due to faulty or wrong medicine.
Retrograde planets occupy 4th or 7th house.
Lords of kendra are retrograded.
Death of the Patient
1. 6th lord in lagna with a malefic.
2. Moon in 4th or 8th house in papa-kartari yoga.
3. Moon in lagna and sun in 7th house.
4. Moon in 4th 8th 12th house and malefic in 2nd 7th 12th.
5. Moon and lagnesh in 8th house.
6. Lagnesh and 8th lord in ithsala (adverse aspect)
7. Lagnesh and moon in kendra or 8th house having ithsala with malefics or they are combust and in ithsala with malefics. Lagnesh in 8th house causes death to the patient.
8. Moon in lagna, saturn in 12th sun in 8th mars in 10th house.
9. All planets in 1st, 4th 5th 8th and 12th house shortens longivity.
10. Malefics in kendras and moon in 8th house in prishtodaya sign [rashi…………………]
11. Retrograde planets in kendras and in ithsala with moon.
12. 6th and 8th lords in lagna.
13. Moon posited in 6th forms ithsala with 7th lord. [ ]
14. Mars if posited in 7th or 8th house in own sign.
15. Lagnesh in 4th, 6th or 7th from the 7th lord.
16. Lagnesh is weaker than the 8th lord and moon occupies 6th 8th 12th house or saturn is in 8th house aspected by mars.
17. 8th lord in lagna.
18. Lagnesh or 8th lord in 8th house from moon.
19. Moon being 12th lord forms ithsala with 7th lord posited in 6th house.
20. Ithasala between 8th lord or lagnesh occupying kendra and a planet in combustion or retrogration.
21. Lagnesh and 8th lords afflicted in kendra and have ithsala.
22. Lagnesh is in 12th of sun. If lagna is in a moveable sign-patient appears to recover but relapse.
23. 6th lord in lagna and moon is aspected by malefic.
Part of body signified by the disease.
Part signified by the house occupied by lagnesh
Sign where moon is posited.
Sign where 6th & 7th lord is posited.
1. Mars in scorpio devoid of aspect of jupiter & venus- fistula
2. Mars being lagnesh is posited in 5th and aspected by malefics – wound in head.
3. Saturn and mars in 6th or 12th devoid of benefic influnces-swelling of glands of neck or ulcer.
4. Mars in lagna, jupiter or venus in 7th – ulcer in head.
5. Saturn and ketu in 7th house – boils in rectum
6. Lagnesh and mars in 6th 8th 12th pains due to swollen wound from weapon.
7. Lagnesh along with malefics in lagna or 6th 8th 12th house –wound in body.
8. Sun and 6th lord in lagna –wound in head.
9. Moon and 6th lord in lagna or 8th house-wound in face or mouth.
10. Mars & 6th lord in lagna or 8th house –ulcer in navel.
11. Jupiter & 6th lord in lagna or 8th house- ulcer in navel.
12. Mercury & 6th lord in lagna or 8th house-ulceration of heart valves.
13. Venus and 6th lord in lagna or 8th house – ulcer of eyes.
14. Saturn & 6th lord in lagna or 8th house – ulcer of feet.
15. Rahu or ketu and 6th lord in lagna or 8th house- ulcer in lip.
16. Exchange of lagnesh & 7th lord –long suffering
17. Malefics in 3rd 6th 9th 12th houses disease is hereditary.
18. The rising sign and planet, if any, therein, indicates the afflicted part of the body. If any planet occupies the lagna in inimical sign or lagnesh occupies inimical sign, the nature of disease will be serious. If beneficially disposed the disease will not cause any concern.
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